git gui kraken

Git comes with built-in GUI tools for committing (git-gui) and browsing (gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for platform-specific ...

相關軟體 TortoiseGit 下載

TortoiseGit is a Windows Shell Interface to Git and based on TortoiseSVN. TortoiseGit is not an integration for a specific IDE such as Visual Studio, or Eclipse for instance, rather you can use it wit...

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  • The latest Tweets from Axosoft GitKraken (@GitKraken). The most popular Git GUI for Window...
    Axosoft GitKraken (@GitKraken) | Twitter
  • Core GitKraken features. Licensed for commercial use. In-app merge conflict ...
    Best Git Client 2017 - Features | GitKraken
  • 跳到 Git Kraken - Git Kraken is the only Git client built on Electron, and runs ... It simp...
    Best Git GUI Clients for Different Platforms - Cloudways
  • Git comes with built-in GUI tools for committing (git-gui) and browsing (gitk), but there ...
    Git - GUI Clients - Git SCM
  • GitKraken is the most popular Git GUI for Windows, Mac AND Linux. Unleash your repo by dow...
    Git GUI for Windows, Mac & Linux | GitKraken ...
  • Axosoft GitKraken is the intuitive and elegant Git GUI client for Windows, Mac and Linux. ...
    GitKraken - Home | Facebook
  • Take coding to a new level with Axosoft GitKraken. Discover the power of this elegantly de...
    GitKraken - YouTube
  • Manage your account for Axosoft GitKraken, the downright luxurious Git client for Windows,...
    GitKraken Account Management
  • GitKraken Current Behold the evolution of GitKraken! Find out what’s new, what’s fixed, .....
    GitKraken Current | GitKraken Documentation
  • GitKraken Support Welcome to the GitKraken support and documentation site. You can use the...
    GitKraken Support | GitKraken Documentation
  • GitKraken is the most popular Git GUI for Windows, Mac AND Linux. Unleash your repo by dow...
    GitKraken: Git GUI for Windows, Mac & Linux
  • Download GitKraken for free at Take coding to a new level with GitKr...
    GitKraken: THE legendary Git GUI client for Windows, Mac & Linux ...
  • Until now, any dev working with a team on project code has had to make a compromise: opt f...
    GitKraken: The New Git Client that Unleashes Devs’ Repos ...
  • 2016年11月5日 - Kraken is a git gui tool that ia cross platform (OSX, Linux, Windows). https...
    Kraken is a git gui tool that ia cross platform (OSX, Linux, Windows ...
  • Git comes with built-in GUI tools for committing (git-gui) and browsing (gitk), but there ...
    Linux GUIs - Git - GUI Clients
  • Best Git client 2017: GitKraken is the intuitive, cross-platform Git client designed to ma...
    Release the Kraken! - Git GUI for Windows, Mac & Linux | ...
  • 2016年10月11日 - GitKraken is a Windows/Mac/Linux Git GUI helping thousands of coders commit...
    User Review of GitKraken - Linux Git GUI | Axosoft
  • The Kraken had been unleashed, and I controlled the great beast of the seas! Leaving the m...
    User Review of GitKraken - Linux Git GUI | Axosoft ...
  • I have been using Git Extensions for about three years now. I used SourceTree, Github Desk...
    What's the best git client with a GUI for a Windows PC? - Quora